Friday, November 1, 2013

Pastor's Desktop Article for November 2013

O That Will Be Glory
“When all my labors and trials are o’re, and I am safe on that beautiful shore,
Just to be near the dear Lord I adore will through the ages be glory for me.

When by the gift of His infinite grace, I am accorded in heaven a place,
Just to be there and to look on His face, will through the ages be glory for me.

Friends will be there I have loved long ago; joy like a river around me will flow;
Yet, just a smile from my Savior I know will through the ages be glory for me.

O that will be glory for me, glory for me, glory for me;
When by His grace I shall look on His face, that will be glory, be glory for me.
Charles H. Gabriel
            What is it we are really longing for?  For many of us, thinking about the life after this life is scary and uncomfortable, but should it be that way for us?  If our faith in Christ means anything, it means that we are looking forward to a place much more grand than any of our days in this world could ever be.  If we have trusted in Christ alone for our salvation, to quote another hymn, “On Christ the Solid Rock I stand”.  We need not fear what lies beyond the sunset of our days, but instead we can sing with confidence the hymn referenced above.
            Perhaps the reason that our praise and worship has lost some of its luster is because we’ve become so focused on this world and its woes, and there is no shortage of this world’s woes.  Yes, we do have responsibilities and obligations to see to in this world, but we shouldn’t let the cares and concerns of this life get us down when we have such a glorious future awaiting us.
            When was the last time you came to church thinking about what you would give in terms of praise and worship to God, instead of what you would get?  We may get recharged to some extent by being together with the body of believers and hearing the Word, but if our goal is to get recharged, we may leave without all we hoped for more often than not.  If we come into His house, excited to be together with the body of believers, offering the very best of our praise and worship to Him, because we love Him, and because He is worthy of it, we will never leave disappointed.
By His Grace Alone,
Pastor Bruce Jacobsen

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